Space Allocation Map
🏠 > Participation > Space Allocation Map
Floor plan
Please see the layout image on right (below) which shows approximate location of sections. Actual floor plan will be coming soon.
Space booking status
You can see the booking status below.
Food stalls, please choose from F (orange).
General stalls, please choose from from G (green).
Areas in Grey cannot be chosen (already reserved).
・Gas / flame cookers and electric cookers are allowed to use at outdoor areas only.
・Cooking needs to be done outside. Electric food warmers can be used inside. Pre-packaged food can be sold at indoor areas.
・Electric appliances must be up to 2400W in single phase 240V otherwise application to be required in advance.
フード出店は、 F (オレンジ色) からお選びください。
物販出店は、 G (緑色) からお選びください。
Please note that the booking will not be confirmed until the payment has been received.
予約はご入金が確認でき次第確定となりますので予めご了承ください 。