Stall and Rental Fees

🏠 > Participation > Stall and Rental Fees


For Partners, please refer to the 「Partnership Guide」 page to find what is included in the partner's free, and if more is required, additional fees will be applied according to the following section "Non Partners".

Non Partners

A.  Food Stall (3m x 3m)

B.  Food Trucks / Van (3m x 6m)

C.  Company (commercial products/service) Information Stall (3m x 3m)

D.  Goods Sales Stall (3m x 3m)

E.  NPO Stall (3m x 3m)

※Please note:

JSA member price は、202310月31日時点で登録されている会員、及びジャパンデー当日に会員本人がStallを運営する場合に限ります。

JSA member price will be applied: if the applicant is a JSA member who must be registered as on 31/10/2023 and must attend and run the stall on Japan Day.